Remember my wire barstools? I had been planning to paint them for a while and when we finished the kitchen redo, it was time to figure something out.

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Any time I'm looking for inspiration (or if I'm just bored, which is weird, I know) I hop over to 1st Dibs or Chairish to get inspired by beautiful antique and vintage furniture. I saw these Bertoia stools on 1st Dibs and I LOVED the color combo of cream on the seat and black on the legs.

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I found the perfect color of ivory semi-gloss spray paint called Navajo White from Rustoleum. It's so pretty and warm!

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I used Rustoleum's black enamel for the bases and then reconnected the two.

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They looked instantly more vintage to me! And somehow the paint helps the metal not feel as cold to the touch? Either way, the paint job was a big improvement!

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And I really love how they look in my kitchen! The wire backs are surprisingly comfortable, but I wouldn't be opposed to figuring out a way to add some additional padding.

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Right now we just have some little white vinyl pads on the seats that came with the stools.

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I like the look of these black seats against the ivory.

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But I also really like the fully upholstered look. The official Knoll pads are prohibitively expensive, but I think I could maybe figure out a way to make something?

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Last time I was in New York a month or two ago, I sat in these stools at ABC that had leather Knoll pads on the seat and on the back. I really love the clean look and the back pad upped the comfort level by a LOT. 

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I'm thinking this version might be a little more DIY friendly, too. I think the tricky part would be figuring out a way to stiffened or double up the leather. It was pretty stiff stuff. 

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Dying over those little straps. :)


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